Last month, we talked a lot about women’s hormones: what they are and how they function, what happens when they don’t play nice, and how to balance hormones naturally.
I continue to research ways to improve my own hormonal health, for a number of reasons, and I’m sure you can relate…
✓ Poor health in my teenage years
✓ Birth control for five years
✓ Four nearly back to back pregnancies
✓ Chronic stress
… need I go on??? If any of these sound familiar, you’re not alone.
Us women battle so much that goes against the health of our hormones, and we have to take measures to keep our hormones happy or we end up with hormonal imbalances that lead to all sorts of problems.
What is a hormonal imbalance?
Hormones dictate nearly every cellular action from the time we’re conceived. So what happens when they aren’t functioning as they should?
It may surprise you to know that we often get a domino effect happening when there’s even a slight change in hormone function. What’s even more frustrating is that one hormonal imbalance can easily lead to an additional imbalance or other health issues because the branches of your endocrine system are so intertwined. (source)
While hormones naturally fluctuate based on the time of month or stage of life we’re in, they can become truly imbalanced due to a number of reasons.
We discuss those reasons more in depth here, where we also discuss how to balance hormones naturally.
The main causes of hormonal imbalances are endocrine-disrupting chemicals in our cleaning supplies, personal care and beauty products, and food, as well as poor lifestyle choices like lack of sleep and chronic stress.
How to balance hormones
As we’ve discussed a number of times, diet is paramount to balanced hormones.
Good fats are one of the best sources of healthy-hormone-building nutrients, which is why I created this DIY supplement with good fat from coconut milk.
The supplement also contains collagen, which is made up of amino acids- another building block of healthy hormones.
Other nutritious foods that support hormones:
- Raw carrots
- Grassfed cream (raw is best!)
- Raw egg yolks
- Fresh orange juice
- Beets
- Fresh greens
How to balance hormones: the magic juice recipe
I’ve told you about how I use juicing to help support liver health, but did you know with the right ingredients, juicing is also great for hormone health?
I’ve created a juice recipe that contains lots of great hormone-supporting nutrients.
Raw carrots- carrots help to detox estrogen, which, if you’ve read about estrogen dominance, you know many of us have too much of. Raw carrots contain a unique fiber that absorbs excess estrogen and helps sweep it out of the body. (source)
Fresh orange juice- your adrenal glands (which are a major player in the hormonal system of your body), both regulate and depend on hormones. They also use the highest concentration of vitamin C out of all your body functions.
Juicing oranges is a great way to support the adrenals, and your hormones, with a hit of fresh, bioavailable vitamin c.
Beets- beets are a nutritional powerhouse, best known for supporting the liver and cleansing the blood.
Beets are rich in iron, b vitamins, potassium, magnesium, and folate. Because they are such a good liver support, they help usher toxins (like excess estrogen!) out of the liver.
Greens- like beets, greens are rich in vitamins and minerals, namely folate and vitamins C and A. They also help to support and cleanse the liver and bowels, clearing excess toxins that interrupt hormones.
The recipe
To make this hormone-balancing juice, here’s what you’ll need:
- 3-4 large carrots, washed and un-peeled
- 1 orange, peeled
- a handful of raw greens, washed
- 1/4- 1/2 medium beet & greens, washed (I buy beets that are about the size of my fist and chop pieces away as I juice them.)
- 1 small apple (optional- improves flavor and adds nutrition- good for the gallbladder.)
It’s best if your produce is organic, as the toxins found in pesticides used on conventional produce are hard on the liver and may be counterproductive to your goals.
Process each of these in a juicer (this is the one I have) and pour in a blender. Add the following:
Raw egg yolk- make sure it comes from pastured, healthy hens. This is incredibly helpful for the liver and a good source of good fat and other nutrients like selenium and choline, which are both excellent for brain and emotional health. A raw egg yolk a day keeps the doctor away!
2 tablespoons grassfed cream- it’s best if you can find raw cream fresh from a local farmer, but if you can’t, look for organic, grassfed cream. The ones I’ve found contain a gum thickener, and, until I can get my hands on raw cream again, I’m ok with that.
Cream is a rich source of good, hormone-supporting fats. To improve digestion and impart probiotic benefits, try turning your cream into creme fraiche.
Blend gently and drink right away, as the nutrients in juice begin to decline quickly.
Learn how to balance hormones
I love learning how to balance hormones through easy nutrition hacks like this juice. It’s a relatively inexpensive, simple way to flood my body with the nutrients my hormones crave.
I know for certain that I feel so much better when I commit to taking the time to juice every morning. I have better energy, better emotional health, and fewer episodes of pain and fatigue.
What do you mean by grassfed cream?
Cream from cows out on pasture, eating grass.