I think we are all over the notion now that eating fat makes you fat. Right? Mmmkay. So, since that’s out of the way, let me tell you more about why you should be eating fat, lots of it, and how fat bombs can help you do that.
What are fat bombs?
I’m not even sure who started the “fat bomb” craze, but fat bombs are one of my favorite health trends in a while!
Obviously, fat bombs contain fat. They also contain a sweetener of some kind.
Seriously, like, sign me up!
Why are fat bombs good for you?
Not only do our bodies need fat (and lots of it) for basic functioning, but during times of crisis, fat can be exceptionally healing.
Personally, fat bombs were a huge part of my recover from adrenal fatigue earlier this year.
While fat is very nourishing to all systems of the body, helping to heal the gut, power the brain (the brain is, after, comprised mostly of fat and needs plenty of fat to function well), and lubricate joints, when paired with an easily-digested sugar, it has remarkable effects on the blood sugar.
A constant blood sugar roller coaster can contribute to adrenal fatigue, as the adrenals are responsible for helping to regulate blood sugar levels. When the blood sugar becomes unsteady, the adrenals become overworked, and, eventually, begin to give out. In return, blood sugar becomes even more unstable. When I was experiencing severe adrenal fatigue, I would wake up in the mornings starving, and and would be extremely irritable until I ate some breakfast.
I would get spacey and forget things and my heart would race. I felt totally out of control and hated knowing how cranky I was with my family. I knew I had to figure out how to fix whatever was wrong with me.
What is adrenal fatigue?
As I mentioned, adrenal fatigue occurs when the adrenal glands become too taxed to perform their duties. Lack of proper sleep, poor diet, or too-rapid detoxification can cause adrenal fatigue. Mine came on suddenly and I later realized it occurred when I began taking a very strong probiotic, which was extremely effective, but too strong for me to have taken in full doses. (I now take only 1/3-1/2 capsule at a time.)
For months, I suffered from:
- hair loss
- extreme fatigue
- insomnia
- irritability
- and a confused circadian rythm (I was tired during the day, but would get a burst of energy and want to clean house at 10 o clock at night!)
I relied on a number of therapies to heal my adrenal fatigue, and once I really tackled it, it went away fairly quickly!
I’ve written about using sole water as part of my adrenal-healing protocol, but fat bombs were a huge help as well!
When talking about healing the adrenals, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride (author of Gut and Psychology Syndrome) says, “I recommend making a mixture of raw butter or coconut oil with some raw honey: get the butter (or coconut oil) soft at room temperature and mix a little honey according to your taste. Put this mixture into a glass jar and carry that jar with you everywhere. Eat 1-2 teaspoons every 15-20 minutes all day long. This mixture will maintain your blood sugar at a normal level and help your adrenals recover.” (source)
The trick is, the honey helps to raise the blood sugar, but the fat acts as an anchor and doesn’t allow it to raise too high or too quickly.
I did, in fact, carry around a jar of fat bombs with me, and it was only mildly embarrassing. 😉
How to make fat bombs
Here’s the awesome part: making fat bombs is so easy!
You’ll need some softened fat (my personal favorite is brown butter ghee, which has the most amazing caramel flavor, but you can also use coconut oil, butter, ghee, or even nut butter).
Now add some raw honey (a good rule of thumb is to start with a 4/1 ratio of fat to honey). Give it a taste and add more honey if need be, up to equal parts. I generally like about 1/2 cup ghee or butter with 1/4 cup raw honey.
Adding some real salt to the mixture imparts both a nice flavor, as well as the mineral-boosting benefits of good salt (as I discuss in my post on sole water).
If you want a specific recipe, my coconut melt candies are delightful, and your kids will definitely love them too!
When I’m in a hurry and feel my blood sugar threatening to tank, I grab a spoon, stick it in my honey jar, scoop up some honey, then stick that same spoon in a block of grassfed butter and scoop some of that onto the spoon, too, and eat a big ol’ spoonful of fat bomb. And you can bet if my kids are around, they gather around like baby birds and beg for a bite too. (Don’t worry, I don’t regurgitate it for them.)
Kasey says
How many of these are ok to eat in a day?
Jaclyn says
I think as many as you feel you need. Eating too much fat could cause loose stools, though.
Pam gillean says
I am on the keto diet but I am not loosing like I should b. A friend of mine told me to eat a fat bomb everynight before bed and it should help me start loosing. Do u agreen with this?
Jaclyn says
I think it could definitely help, Pam!