Do you struggle with fatigue? If you’re like most of us hanging around here, you want to know how to have more energy. You’ll be glad to know I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve and I’ll share them below!
Why so tired?
We all struggle with fatigue for various reasons, but I’m a firm believer that being a mom doesn’t have to be one of them. I can attest that even after becoming a mom to four busy boys, my energy levels are better than they were when I was a teenager!
It is not normal to always be tired, even if the demands of motherhood are high.
Fatigue can be caused by a number of factors, including:
- autoimmune disease
- chronic infections
- vitamin and mineral deficiencies
- poor sleep habits
- poor diet
- high stress levels
For most of us, the above factors tend to overlap and feeling energized feels like an uphill battle. Let’s lay out a few things you can start doing right now so you can learn how to have more energy.
How to have more energy and start your day off better: five tips
These are things I personally have prioritized in my own life and have had great results in improving my energy levels.
1. How to have more energy: go to bed earlier
This seems like a no-brainer, but how many of us don’t make it a priority to go to bed earlier? It’s too easy to stay up once the kids have gone to bed to catch up on housework, spend time with your hubby, or just mindlessly zone out on Netflix (I’m guilty of all of the above!).
I have been able to go from going to bed between midnight and 1 am every night to going to bed between 10 & 11 most nights, and often before 10. Here’s how I did it:
- I got the kids on a better bedtime routine. Instead of letting them sit around and watch TV because I’m tired and need a break, I try to focus on quiet games and books and avoid TV in the evenings. I started putting them to bed earlier, and, surprisingly, it doesn’t take long for kids to adjust to an earlier bedtime.
- I make myself get in bed. Even if I didn’t get the kitchen spotless. Even if I think of things I need to do. I honor my body’s need for rest above other things.
- I take a hot epsom salt bath and rub down with magnesium lotion, as magnesium helps induce relaxation.
- I put my phone away. Even though I want to watch one more episode of Gilmore Girls. Even when Lorelai’s love life has me on the edge of my seat.
- I take herbs or practice counting methods to get to sleep quicker if I need to. You can read about the herbs I use to help me sleep better here.
2. How to have more energy: take adaptogens
I’ve written pretty extensively about how adaptogens have improved my health because they support the adrenal glands. I went from having insomnia, being constantly exhausted and cranky, and losing handfuls of hair, to reversing all of those symptoms.
I fall asleep easily and sleep through the night (if my kids are nice enough to let me, that is); I have more energy and am more even-tempered and patient; my hair grew back and I now have awkward baby hairs to show for it.
Adaptogenic herbs have been one of the main reasons for all of these improvements, and they are uniquely capable of increasing energy when mama needs it, while simultaneously inducing calm when mama’s stressed out. They adapt to your needs.
My favorite adaptogenic herbs include:
- Rhodiola- Reputed to be more powerful than other adaptogens, rhodiola supports mental and emotional health by improving the ability to deal with stress, as well as increasing blood flow to the brain. It also combats the effects of excess adrenaline.
- Astragalus- Another effective adaptogen, astragalus is helps to support the nervous system and negate the effects of stress. It is quite nutritive, as it contains protein, calcium, magnesium, silica, iron, and vitamins, all of which help to strengthen the body as a whole and impart energy.
- Ashwaghanda- Also helpful for calming the nervous system and promoting restful sleep, ashwagandha boosts strength and vitality. It modifies the harmful effects of stress on the body and promotes calmness.
- Eleuthero- Known as “Siberian Ginseng,” eleuthero increases vitality, improves mental and physical performance, and protects against stress. It lowers blood-pressure and has powerful anti-fatigue effects.
Make your own powerful adrenal support extract using these easy instructions. I take a dose of adaptogens first thing in the morning and again in the afternoon if I start to feel fatigued.
3. How to have more energy: eat liver
Yup. Unless you are in the baby boomer crowd, you likely didn’t grow up eating liver, and therefore, probably consider it yucky. However, liver is packed full of nutrients that will have you feeling more energized in no time!
Liver is
- an excellent source of high-quality protein
- nature’s most concentrated source of vitamin A, all the B vitamins in abundance, particularly vitamin B12
- one of our best sources of folic acid and a highly usable form of iron
- a good source of trace elements such as copper, zinc and chromium (liver is our best source of copper); an unidentified anti-fatigue factor; and CoQ10, a nutrient that is especially important for cardio-vascular function
- a good source of purines, nitrogen-containing compounds that serve as precursors for DNA and RNA
Don’t like eating liver? No problem. You can easily take it in capsule form.
When I’m really on the ball, I make my own liver capsules using this tutorial, but more frequently, I stock up on pre-made liver capsules. These are what I’m taking right now, and I take four capsules every morning before breakfast. (Use code FAMILYHEALS10 for 10% off!)
4. How to have more energy: wake up with magnesium
While some types of magnesium, like Epsom salts and transdermal oils and lotions, can bring calming and relaxation, other types of magnesium provide energy.
I’ve recently been using an awesome type of magnesium that contains not one, not two, but three types of superior magnesium, along with the important cofactor boron for better absorbability. It’s called Wake Up Maggie and it does just that- wakes you up.
Wake Up Maggie is better than coffee to start your day off right. The unique combination of magnesium malate, taurinate and orotate is designed to pep you up and keep you alert for the day ahead.
One scoop of Wake Up Maggie provides 200mg of highly-absorbable magnesium as:
• Magnesium malate
• Magnesium taurinate
• Magnesium orotate
• PLUS 1.5mg of Boron
Get Wake Up Maggie here.
5. How to have more energy: cut sugar
Finally, if you want to start your day off more energized, ditch the sugar.
While it’s best to eliminate sugar altogether from your diet (read about the best natural replacements for sugar here), if you are concerned about starting your day off with more energy, cut out the pastries, breads, and cereals for breakfast and replace them with a high-protein breakfast with good fats and carbs.
For me, the perfect breakfast combo includes pastured eggs, clean bacon or sausage, and a sweet potato.
Find what works for you and fuel your body rather than fatigue it by kicking the refined carbs and sugar to the curb.
And if you want to sleep better, keep the sugar away late in the day as well, as it will prevent you from getting proper rest.
Small changes= big results!
Want to have more energy? Prioritize your sleep, support your energy levels with herbs, eat liver, take the right kind of magnesium, and keep the sugar away.
You’ll see big improvements in energy by making these small changes.
Crissy Talley says
I have been doing sole water in the morning, can I continue that if I add these supplements ? Thanks!
Jaclyn says
Sure, I do!