As the District Attorney in San Antonio, TX, Nicholas “Nico” LaHood may be a government employee, tasked with carrying out justice against criminals, but when it comes to speaking out about his son’s vaccine-induced autism, it’s very personal. He doesn’t care about being politically correct. (READ: The real cause of autism.)
“I’m just speaking my mind, which I have the right to do,” said LaHood.
LaHood said he had no idea the level of fame his recent statements regarding vaccines and autism would bring him. While he’s been surprised by the backlash, he’s been even more surprised by the tremendous amount of support he and his family have received following going public with the truth about their son, Michael’s, battle with autism. LaHood has heard from people not only in his home state of Texas, but people all over the country and world, from Canada to Switzerland. Their message for LaHood? “Thank you.”
Not only are folks passionately thanking him for speaking out on their behalf, but they’re sharing their stories with him. He said there are countless parents with stories just like his: “Their child was fine, and then they were vaccinated -there was this event- and they changed.
“We’re not all making it up. If I was 1 in 100 or 200, it would be an anomaly, but that’s not the case,” LaHood said. Most recent estimates indicate that 1 in 45 US children are now diagnosed with autism.
Why the LaHood family is doing things differently
Like most parents, LaHood and his wife Davida never questioned vaccinations. After they chose to have their oldest daughter vaccinated, she developed such severe hives that it was thought she had an autoimmune disease. He said she still struggles with a skin disorder. It was after their son, Michael received his MMR vaccine at around 18 mos old that life was forever changed for the LaHoods. Michael descended into his own world, babbling, and struggling to make eye contact and connect with family members.
They later learned Michael had autism.
The LaHoods were done with vaccinations: “I tried it your way. Two strikes, and we’re done,” said LaHood.
After their first two children had adverse reactions to vaccines, the LaHoods chose not to vaccinate their younger two children. “Praise God, our youngest two children are healthy,” he said. “We chose not to vaccinate them, and that’s our choice.”
(Read about the six types of people for whom vaccinations are a bad idea.)
More than anything, he thinks it’s important for parents to have the choice to make an informed decision.
DA LaHood said he struggled with guilt after learning that his son had autism, and knowing that he could have done things differently to prevent it, but, ultimately, he knows it’s through Michael’s story that he can educate others.
But LaHood isn’t anti-vaccination. He just wants parents to be informed and make educated decisions for their children. “Vaccinate your kids,” he said, “if that’s the decision you want to make. I’m not telling anyone not to vaccinate their children, I just want them to make an educated decision.”
How can parents make an educated decision?
LaHood said he doesn’t understand why “vaccines are this holy grail. Why can’t we question them?” He said his work as a prosecutor has put him in a position to question the government on many levels, but he finds that there’s much more resistance when it comes to questioning the government about vaccines.
He’s not giving up, though. LaHood said that, in essence, he’s being a DA for his son: getting to the truth and fighting for justice.
What about the push for “neuro-diversity?”
Many parents become offended when it comes to the idea that their child with autism is “damaged” or needs to be healed. They insist these children are just different and we need to accept “neuro-diversity.”
LaHood rejects autism as a variation of normal. “I’ll say it. There is something wrong with my child. We can live in a wonderland and ignore this problem, or we can try to make sure other families don’t go through this.
“I could stand in the shadow and not deal with this. I already have enough on my plate. But I can’t do that. I cannot sit quiet. When I know we have credible information to consider, I have to share that,” said LaHood. “If we don’t do something, one in two kids will have autism by 2032, and no one can tell me why. Why aren’t we asking questions? Give me the independent study that proves vaccines are safe. ”
LaHood wants to see four things happen.
To parents, he says:
- Educate yourself.
- Let doctors be doctors. They shouldn’t be ostracized if they don’t support vaccines.
And to the government and vaccine manufacturers:
- Don’t force vaccinations on parents.
- Do independent safety studies (not done by the CDC, he emphasized).
In order to have a safe and healthy society, said DA LaHood, we have guidelines; we have the penal code: “Don’t rape, don’t murder, these are obviously good laws, but we cannot force vaccinations.”
LaHood knows the importance of parental rights when it comes to vaccines, and that we must be active in order to protect those rights. “I encourage people to talk,” he said. “Tell your story.”
Most of all, LaHood wants to encourage parents: “Speak out, educate yourselves, and DO NOT BE SILENT.”
To buy the movie Vaxxed, which releases in just a few days, click here.
My story in brief here>
Thank you. xo
According to the late Dr Mayer Eisenstein, if Chicago’s Homefirst Medical Services:
” 40 years ago when I started my practice only 1 in 10,000 children had autism. Today it’s 1 in 100. What is the only difference we have seen? The inordinate number of vaccines that are being given to children today. My partners and I have over 35,000 patients who have never been vaccinated. You know how many cases of autism we have seen? ZERO, ZERO. I have made this statement for over 40 years: “NO VACCINES NO AUTISM”.”
“•Do independent safety studies (not done by the CDC, he emphasized).) One step further – do NOT accept studies made by the manufacturers!
Personally, after everything I’ve read in the past 5 years, I don’t think there’s a vaccine on the planet that’s truly safe! Every single one of them injects something that does not belong in the human body by injection, whether it’s dna from another human being (aborted babies) or heavy metals that are poison, or peanuts or milk and yes, even those are used in some vaccines. Autism, autoimmune, allergies can all be a direct result. No, I’m not a doctor, researcher nor can I provide links. Just a mom, grandma, great grandma who can read, see and understand what’s going on. Out of 6 grandsons, one has autism. One of my first cousins also has a grandson who has autism.
I’m a vaccine injured nurse from a mandated vaccine , that I refused , but my refusal was declined … Long story short ,: I was diagnosed with cellulitis of injected arm , adverse reaction to tdap vaccine , Then post vaccination syndrome that lead to three months off of work … Also diagnosed with fibromyalgia triggered by tdap vaccine ! I would love to stand next to this attorney and get these stories out ! Two years later .. I’m still sick ..fibromyalgia is a chronic neuro condition .. Sore everyday of my life ! Numbness and tingling of extremities , chronic sore throat and throat tightness, muscular , bone and joint pain , dizziness , nausea and vomiting , extreme fatigue… Nerve pain , allodynia, loss of balance .. Workmans comp was denied .. Only working four hour shifts three to four days a week due to this condition . I could go on and on …
Oh, my goodness am I glad I refused the dTap when I had a severe laceration. I could have been similarly injured and I can’t imagine how I would manage while raising my grandchildren following my daughter’s death.
I am so sorry for all that you are dealing with. What you have experienced is flat out criminal.
Parents, keep telling your stories! Vaccines have injured, mamed, and murdered way too many people! This has been going on for decades. It needs to end for good!
What I find most disconcerting, is that the people who that are so ignited with fury about some parents choosing to not vaccine, are the one’s that have NOT done ANY research whatsoever! They believe that because their Doctor tells them it’s safe, that it’s safe, FALSE. Pediatricians are given slim to none medical training on vaccines. They have a basic understanding how they work, they are told by the AMA & the CDC what the recommended schedule is and that’s Ll! They have no knowledge of what all the Ingredient’s are in vaccines most NEVER read the entire insert that comes with the vaccines, & they especially do not read the full “back box warning”, nor do they go over it with the parents of their patients. Most times if questions are brought up by the parents they are treated in an admonishing tone for asking, let alone questioning about vaccines. That, right there, should be a serious red flag! for any parent! Vaccines ARE MEDICAL PROCEDURE’S, NOT some “benign” thing to not think about or question! If your child went into the hospital & the told you she/he needed an operation or other invasive procedure, wouldn’t you be asking a gazillion questions & going home & doing your research? I bet you would! Yet, WHY would you not think you should be doing the same about vaccination’s?
When parents have chosen for whatever their reasons are to not vaccinate, I would guarantee that every single one of them have spent untold hours researching thoroughly INDEPENDENT research before making these decisions. They are NOT making these decisions on ignorant assumptions, infact, it’s absolutely the opposite. I have NEVER come across a parent (who when admonishing another parent for not vaccinating) has done ANY RESEARCH WHATSOEVER! This blows my mind! How can they spew admonishment at those parents, when they have NOT done their due diligence for their own kids? All they have in their arsenal is “catch phrases” that “they heard” on the news…Which, by the way, is completely manipulated by Big-pharma. Parents should be critical thinker’s. Would it concern any of them to know that EVERY SINGLE NETWORK (except CBS) has a Pharmaceutical Executive on their board of director’s! & All the networks receive about 70% or more of their advertising revenue, directly from the Pharmaceutical manufacturer’s…Or hasn’t anyone noticed that almost every commercial on TV is advertising pharmaceutical drugs, and most recently a VERY AGGRESSIVE campaign for the Gardasil (HPV) vaccine. Which, by the way, is the biggest scam ever! PARENTS BEWARE! If you care about your children’s health & well-being, you will avoid this vaccine like the plaque!!!! To just give you the “tip of the ice-burg” about it…Even the HEAD SCIENTIST (Dr. Dana Harper) who was the lead developer of that vaccine, walked away from continuing her development of the Gardasil Vaccine, because she knew that what was happening behind closed doors, was beyond unethical, & she just couldn’t morally & ethically be a part of it any longer.
I could go on & on about issues with vaccines! The author of this post mentioned that VACCINES HAVE ABORTED FETAL CELL TISSUE! in them! That alone, should be making EVERY SINGLE CHRISTIAN refuse vaccines! Let alone the 11 most TOXIC INGREDIENT’S IN VACCINE’S (GOOGLE THAT) In my opinion, every single parent needs to watch the following educational information on vaccines.
****VAXXED (The Movie)
****The Greater Good (The Movie)
****Trace Amounts (The movie)
****The Truth about Vaccines (Brand New Documentary Series
****Dr. Suzanne Humphries (ALL LECTURES ON YouTube)
I CHALLENGE ANY PARENT, TO WATCH THESE INDEPENDENT SCIENTIFICALLY SOUND PIECES ON VACCINATIONS, before you vaccinate whether for the first time, or in making the decision to continue vaccinating., Please note, that a parent might be saying ” well, I have already vaccinated & my kid(s) are fine, so no problem here…I can continue vaccinating” That is FALSE! Accumulation of adjuvants (mercury/thimerisol & aluminum) can & do accumulate in the body & when compounded by more vaccination could then suddenly cause health issues. The other Ingredient’s in vaccination’s (google: 11 most TOXIC INGREDIENT’S in VACCINES) also can/do have accumulative TOXIC effects on ones health and wellbeing) Dr’s are NOT TRAINED to know or notice the complete signs of vaccine reaction or Injuries.
Lastly, if parents ask the question, “well, if there are all these problems with vaccines, then why don’t I hear about it all over the news & in newspapers?” Please refer to above paragraph, where I explain how the media is OWNED BY BIG PHARMA CONGLOMERATE’S, that’s why. Also, the CDC, which is “SUPPOSED TO BE” a “REGULATORY AGENCY” has a MAJOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST, because they OWN OVER 20 PATENTS OF VACCINE’S! If that does not send up any red flags to EVERY PARENT! Then you are NOT being a critical thinker’s!
The INDEPENDENT SCIENTIST’S CANNOT get their research ANYWHERE in the mainstream media! Thank goodness we now live in the internet age, because we now have easy access to videos online. PLEASE NOTE! that EVERY SINGLE INDEPENDENT SCIENTIST that has COME FORWARD EXPOSING THE TRUTH about the LIES WE HAVE BEEN BEING FED are paying the price for doing so. They are routinely denegrated, called “quacks” & have had their careers ruined, yet they still carry on, because they cannot live with themselves if they do not act a MORALLY & ETHICALLY RIGHTOUS WAY! They have been subjected to basically losing it all to do what is right! That, right there, should tell parents a LOT! They have NOTHING TO GAIN, by putting their necks on the line by doing this exposing of vaccines, but the Pharmaceutical Co’s, the FDA & the CDC DO HAVE A LOT TO LOSE….BILLIONS & BILLIONS OF $$$$$$$$. Again, that should be yet another HUGE RED FLAG!
Further confirmation that the alleged “debunking” of the link between vaccines and autism has now been debunked itself, see On this site, the mercury researcher and attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. documents that the group of studies which vaccine fanatics usually cite to “prove” this alleged link, is tainted to the point of untrustworthiness by the lead researcher’s criminal embezzlement of grant money for autism studies. Kennedy also states there:
This misconduct, undermines the legitimacy of these studies, which were used to refute vaccine injury claims in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). The studies were also used in the NVICP’s “Omnibus” to dismiss 5000 petitions by families who claimed that their children had developed autism from vaccines. These claims, if settled in the claimants’ favor, would have resulted in payouts totaling an estimated $10 billion.”
Another site with lots of information about the cover-up of vaccine damage and the scientific fraud in many of the relevant studies is The author of this site presents the vaccine story as one of many examples of medical and dental fraud and hidden dangers of routine treatments.
In 2000 I was scheduled for spinal surgery for a pinched nerve that made m e miserable for years. I was required to be vaccinated for pneumonia and influenza before surgery (at UCLA). I’d had no vaccinations since the 40s when I had the smallpox blister done on my arm. I was not against vaccination and I was eager to have the surgery so I got the shots. The surgery almost magically relieved my misery but I found myself chronically fatigued, vaguely sick, with difficulty sleeping. Every morning I got up thinking I felt poisoned. I began to relate my malaise to the spine surgery because I began feeling chronically fatigued and nauseous afterward. The pinched nerve misery was thankfully gone but I was sick and tired all the time.
Before the surgery even with the pinched nerve, I was still energetic. The chronic pain affects were mainly distracting me mentally.
During these years malaise I mentioned to my dermatologist Doctor that his waiting room full of sneezing people made me nervous since I had no flu shot since I had my spine surgery a couple of years before. This Doctor said casually he had not had a flu shot either and was not about to. He declined to discuss it any further but it left me reluctant to have any more vaccinations and I have not had another in 16 years. After a dozen years I stopped waking up feeling tired and poisoned but Never recovered my vitality. After reading all I could about vaccination I connected the dots and realized my malaise started not just after spine surgery but also after the vaccinations UCLA required.
Bingo. I had blamed spine surgery for somehow leaving me mysteriously disabled. I tread that adjuvants, particularly aluminum, become embedded at the molecular level and persist for years. Bingo again. It explains why the crushing fatigue and toxic feeling was at least somewhat relieved after a dozen years.
After my experience I would not have a vaccination even at gun point. I live in California and if I had children, I would do whatever it took to protect them from this flawed science and the big brother vaccine law. If I had to quit a job and move out of California I would just do it.