I’ve mentioned how I’ve struggled with chronic EBV (epstein barr virus- the virus responsible for mono). Below, Danielle tells us more about viral infection treatment and why you may need a viral detox.
Most of us think of a virus as something we come down with for a short period– like a cold or a stomach bug. But did you know that viruses can lie latent within us for months, and even years?
When we are ill, we search for the cause, which many doctors will label a “virus” if no bacteria cause is found. This is because most allopathic and Western medicine doctors subscribe to the “germ theory,” which believes that every ill found in the body is caused by a specific germ. Conventional medicine tends to approach health from this viewpoint, as it’s easier to prescribe drugs for an illness rather than get to the root cause.
Do you need a viral infection treatment?
“A virus is a small parasite that cannot reproduce by itself. Once it infects a susceptible cell, however, a virus can direct the cell machinery to produce more viruses.” Viruses are made up of RNA or DNA genetic material, and are the most common organism found on the planet [source].
Bacteria, viruses, and many other cells make up our body’s biome. Some are good, others are bad. But if we seek to destroy all, we will also take out the good [source].
When a viral infection enters the body, our bodies go into several methods of response. One response, RNA interference, reduces the strength of all viral material in the body, so that the cells survive. T cells (cells active in immune response) are sent to destroy viruses, and antibodies are sent to bind to the virus, rendering it noninfectious. You can imagine how, in an unhealthy person, this delicate and intricate process could be hindered, leaving problematic viruses behind and good viruses in a weakened state.
What viruses infect us?
Some of the most common are influenza, norovirus (stomach bugs), rotavirus, chicken pox (varicella), measles, polio, herpes, shingles, HPV, HIV, hepatitis, and many more.
Most of the time, viruses come into our bodies by way of our mouth, eyes, or nose. They are found by the immune system, which quickly works to find and kill the virus. The body fights the virus by creating a fever and ushering it out of the body (hello vomit or diarrhea). Many viruses show as a rash when leaving the body, such as measles.
However, for those fighting another illness or with weak immune systems, a virus may not be found and may take up home in our blood system or an organ. For these individuals, the virus stays in their system, causing general malaise, chronic fatigue, and illness.
To do a viral infection treatment (both for new and latent viruses), you will need to do a full body cleanse. Viruses can hide in the blood, immune tissues, or organs, so even if a virus is not picked up on a blood test, it could be lurking elsewhere in the body.
In addition, other organisms may hide inside viruses. It’s possible that another issue may arise after the virus is detoxed. If this is the case, do not be discouraged, but know that the detox process is slowly working by uncovering every issue.
First things first: focus on your diet
Before beginning any detox, be sure your diet can facilitate toxins leaving the body. Focus on raw, organic fruits and vegetables, organic, grassfed meats, and raw and cultured dairy. Soups, salads, and steamed vegetables are easy for your body to digest, which is important when it needs to focus more energy on expelling a virus. Be sure to drink at least 64 ounces or more of filtered water each day during a detox.
In addition to your diet, incorporate light exercise, at least 8 hours of sleep per night, and massage, rebounding, and dry skin brushing to stimulate fluid movement.
Viral infection treatment
Depending on the viruses in your body and your genetic make up, the viruses hiding in your body may respond to different viral infection treatments. Move through the treatments, completing 4-6 weeks of each, before allowing a minimum of one week between treatments.
- Coconut oil – the fatty acids in coconut oil render it hostile to influenza, measles, herpes, and even AIDS [source]. Try a coconut oil cleanse to target deep latent viruses.
To cleanse, take 2 tablespoons 5-6 times per day. You may blend it in with a smoothie or other beverage. Start slowly with coconut oil or find yourself in the bathroom more frequently than you’d like! Try this one. - Herbs – elderberry has been shown to fight influenza A and B. Oregano oil has been shown to kill many viruses, and other antibiotic-resistant superbugs. Both elderberry and oregano can be found in dried, loose herb forms, and in tinctures and syrups. Try this oregano tincture and elderberry in both whole berry form like this for teas or elderberry syrup like this.
Consume 2-3 cups of organic loose herbs or tea, brewed in filtered water. It is fine to consume the actual herbs, as well. - Roots – garlic, astragalus, and ginger are roots with strong antiviral properties [source, source, source].
Add raw garlic to salads, sautes, and pasta dishes. If possible, crush one clove of garlic and swallow whole with water. You can even put chunks of raw garlic in empty capsules to make getting the benefits of fresh, raw garlic easier to swallow!
Brew a fresh cut piece of astragalus (dried is also fine) or ginger in tea 2-3 times per day. You can also use astragalus in tincture form for immune and adrenal health. Try this one. - Minerals – when we give our bodies the minerals it needs to perform, it can kick our lazy immune system into high gear. Most of us do not get the daily amount of minerals our body needs to support our immune system.
Eat more dark, leafy vegetables. Shoot for 2-3 servings a day. Consume foods with fermented probiotics, such as kimchi, kefir, sauerkraut, and kombucha. There are also mineral supplements, called fulvic and humic minerals if you do not get enough through diet. Sole water is an excellent source of minerals! Read how to make it here. - L Lysine– an essential amino acid that helps maintain healthy immune function. It can be very effective against viruses, including the herpies virus responsible for cold sores. Try this L Lysine supplement.
Many of us assume that viruses are easily found and terminated by our immune system, but this is not always the case. Viral vaccines, viruses received during another illness or not treated naturally, and even viruses from childhood may have taken up residence in your system. If your health is suffering, consider being tested for latent viruses and completing a viral detox to rid them from your body.