Even the staunchest vaccine proponents must admit: vaccines are not a one-size-fits-all procedure, and some people will suffer adverse reactions. Below are some common vaccine contraindications that may surprise you.
With recent vaccine debates ramping up due to increased legislation and reported outbreaks, there seem to be a lot of folks who think everyone should be vaccinated, and those who choose not to vaccinate should be penalized.
There’s a lot of fear-mongering in the media. Realistically, we must remember that vaccinations are a medical procedure. There are risks. Vaccinations are not right for everyone. There are contraindications to childhood vaccinations.
Vaccine contraindications
Just like a particular surgery or prescription medication won’t work well for everyone, vaccinations are not a good choice for everyone.
Some people, in particular, are much more likely to have adverse reactions to vaccinations, including:
1. Those with an autoimmune disease
When one has an autoimmune disease, it means their immune system has begun attacking their own bodily tissues. Examples of this are arthritis, thyroid disease, fibromyalgia, lupus, and multiple sclerosis. Did you know that common childhood conditions like allergies, eczema, asthma, and digestive disorders are also signs of autoimmune disease or immune system dysfunction?
Vaccinations are designed to elicit an immune response. When the immune system is already malfunctioning, it does not respond as intended to vaccinations. Instead, it may become further confused.
For adults with an autoimmune disease, this could mean a worsening of symptoms or new systems. For children with existing autoimmune symptoms, this assault on the immune system could be the straw that broke the camel’s back and lead to worsening or new autoimmune conditions like type one diabetes, or even autism.
According to Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, author of Gut and Psychology Syndrome,
A compromised immune system is not going to react to environmental insults in the normal way! Vaccination is a huge insult to the system. The manufacturers of vaccines produce them for children with normal immune systems which will react to these vaccines in a predictable way.
However, in our modern society with our modern way of life, we are rapidly moving to a situation where a growing proportion of children do not have a normal immune system and will not produce an expected reaction to the vaccine.
Curious about the link between vaccines and autoimmune disease? Read: vaccines and autoimmune disease: is there a connection?
2. Children born to a mother with an autoimmune disease
In the same respect, children of mothers with an autoimmune disease are more likely to already have a malfunctioning immune system. Children born to mothers with fibromyalgia, digestive disorders, severe allergies, eczema, asthma, or neurological disorders should not be vaccinated, according to Dr. Campbell-McBride.
Because immune dysfunction is not always visible upon birth, it is best to avoid them altogether for infants born to mothers suffering from these conditions.
3. Those with genetic mutations
You may have heard of the dreaded genetic mutation by now: MTHFR. It, along with various other genetic mutations, makes an individual’s detoxification system function less than optimally.
According to Chris Kesser,
[MTHFR mutation] affects detoxification. …Methylation is required to produce glutathione, which is one of the major molecules in a detoxification cycle, but if you don’t methylate properly, you won’t be able to detoxify properly, so what this can lead to is a higher susceptibility to heavy metal toxicity and toxicity from any source like pesticides, other environmental toxins and pollutants, mold toxicity, toxicity from lipopolysaccharide or any other bacterial or pathogen-based toxin – so just in a general, an increased susceptibility to toxic overload because the body is not able to detoxify properly.
It is estimated that 40-60% of people have the MTHFR mutation, and as such, may not be good candidates for vaccination. (Read more about what MTHFR does here.)
As stated above, those with this genetic mutation have a difficult time detoxifying heavy metals, environmental toxins and pollutants, and other bacterial or pathogen-based toxins.
What do vaccinations contain? Heavy metals (mercury, aluminum), environmental toxins and pollutants (formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate, antibiotics), and bacteria and pathogens (the diseases they are formulated to create an immune response to, among others due to contamination). Read: Heavy Metal Toxicity: How to Help Kids Detox.
4. Anyone who is sick
It is well-known that those who are immunocompromised, such as those with HIV or cancer, cannot receive vaccinations. Likewise, those who are suffering from a moderate or severe illness (with or without fever) may not be good candidates for vaccination.
During times of illness, the immune system is working hard. Vaccinations serve to stimulate the immune system, so an already taxed immune system is likely to malfunction when overloaded with pathogens and the toxins that accompany them. It is advised that those suffering from an illness use caution when considering vaccination.
5. Pregnant women
I hear from pregnant women often about how their doctors have pressured them into getting shots during their pregnancy. It can be very confusing, particularly when a mama’s gut instinct is to decline them. Vaccination during pregnancy has not been extensively studied.
One study concluded, however, that vaccination with live or live-attenuated (weakened) vaccines are contraindicated in pregnancy due to risk to the fetus. The study authors suggest that women of child-bearing age be tested for pregnancy before being immunized and women who have been recently immunized wait to become pregnant for at least four weeks.
Another study of the VAERS reporting system revealed a 4,250% increase in fetal death following flu vaccination. The study concluded “a synergistic fetal toxicity likely resulted from the administration of both the pandemic (A-H1N1) and seasonal influenza vaccines during the 2009/2010 season.”
Researchers were also unable to demonstrate the efficacy of the flu vaccination during pregnancy for mothers or, later, the babies born to them.
The CDC lists pregnancy as a contraindication for vaccinations for the live-attenuated flu, varicella (chicken pox), zoster (shingles), and MMR (measles, mumps, rubella).
6. Those who have previously had a reaction to a vaccination
According to the CDC, vaccine contraindications include those who have previously had a severe allergic reaction (such as anaphylaxis) to a vaccine, as well as those who previously suffered encephalopathy (coma, decreased level of consciousness, or prolonged seizures) following a vaccine.
Other reactions that may be of note are large, swollen knots at the injection site, asthma or other autoimmune condition development soon after vaccination, or high, persistent fever following vaccination.
Adverse events following vaccination are not always easy to spot, so it’s important to know what to look for. Adverse reactions may include seizure, vomiting, headache, dizziness, fainting, or stiff joints or muscles.
If you have a child who has had an adverse reaction to vaccinations, you may find our free e-book helpful. Sign up to receive it here.
Another post you may find helpful: Five Ingredients to Remove from Your Child’s Diet. You’ll get a good starting place from which to make big changes.
Finally, don’t forget to read about Our Favorite Supplement to Treat ADHD (and other behavioral disorders).
One size does not fit all
Clearly, vaccinations are not the right choice for everyone, and each family should decide what is right for them and their children. When parents are aware of vaccine contraindications, they can make informed and safer choices for their children.
Please share this post so that other parents can learn about vaccine contraindications and decide if vaccination is right for their children.
Great post! I actually just read a book called What you’re Doctor may not tell you about vaccinations. It talks a lot about the same info! It’s important people do their research and educate themselves on what’s best for their family. Thank you for posting!
The United States constitution 14 th amendment states that no state shall deprive any person of life , liberty or property without due process of the law. The principle that a competent person has a constitutionally protected liberty interest in refusing unwanted medical treatment may be inferred from our prior decisions.
Thank you for posting on such a controversial topic! So important that people are educated before they form opinions on vaccinations; regardless of whether or not they are for, or against them. Thanks!
My mother and I have autoimmune disorders, though mild ones. I am 100% fully vaccinated, as are my children. No autism, no health problems outside of congenital ones that have run in the family since before vaccines or GMO foods. But, hey, go ahead and spread your ignorance.
Your full of it.
If you have actual useful information you should share it plus your credentials that tell us why we should pay any attention to you. Otherwise: no thanks for spreading your arrogance
I am glad you and your family have, to this point, dodged this bullet. Our family, with an autoimmune disease, has not. Ignorance is NOT bliss.
You have an autoimmune disease because of your “100% vaccinated”
Have you not read the Adverse Reactions section of the vaccine inserts? The poster size one that comes with the vaccine vial from the manufacturer? It plainly posts autoimmune diseases. So the only ignorant one here is you ma’am.
Excellent wellsaid.
Please Google, Vaccine Inserts, and educate yourself on side effects and adverse reactions.
Lucky you. My nephew died after his vaccine at 14 months.. So yeah keep spreading your ignorance.
You have an autoimmune disease smart one. Obviously, your brain isn’t working fully either.
Yeah, I have a sibling who swears that vaccines “cured” her daughter’s autism… this child, who has a droopy eye on one side, eats her own feces and needs to have an aide with her at school and is 3 years behind… totally “cured”. Their son came along, vaccinated him on schedule… perfect baby… He’s 3 now… after his first round of shots, his eye droops, he doesn’t speak, screams nonstop, bangs his head on walls/doors/floors… totally “fine”. The mother has Lupus… I’ve shared with her info on autoimmune disorders. She considers it BS… It’s very sad to see… Some people just can’t, or won’t see…
I’m glad you and yours are so healthy. You’re lucky.
This is the crap I can’t understand. You say “keep spreading your ignorance”. But most of us have spent countless hours, days, weeks & months researching & reading everything we can get our hands on regarding vaccination. How on Earth can that be ignorance?? Ignorant means uninformed. Most of the people doing the name calling & telling us how stupid we are, these are the ignorant ones. Do you realize that the doctors you put all of your trust & faith in aren’t taught anything about vaccines? Did you know that mainstream media (the tv you watch) gets 70% of their money from the pharmaceutical industry? This is why you don’t hear the real truth…do you really think they’d bite the hand that feeds them? So before you start spewing your own ignorance, try reading up & doing some research that isn’t funded by big pharma. I’d be willing to bet you didn’t know that either, that most of these studies are funded by the very companies producing these vaccines….a HUGE conflict of interest. But WE are the ignorant ones. Gimme a friggin break.
Well said!
i AGREE WITH YOU! Most people get their “vaccine” knowledge from mainstream media without realizing who pays mainstream media. My granddaughter Phoebe nearly died from her vaccinations at 9 weeks of age. She bled into her brain and is now handicapped. She has maintained her intelligence and is happy, thank God. She cannot walk, she can talk like a 2 year old at age 9 and has muscle tightness from the brain damage. We also believed the bs and unfortunately it took this horrible thing to make us realize just how toxic and dangerous vaccines are AND HOW LITTLE THEY CONTRIBUTE TO HEALTH. And that applies to any vaccine!
Hmmm, you obviously haven’t heard of A.S.I.A. autoimmue syndrome induced by adjuvants. A term coined by Prof. Yehuda Shoenfeld et al where they found people with certain genes were far more predisposed to death or damage from the adjuvant in vaccines. Genes such as the HLA genes, which my family carries, and as my sister and I ended up with fibromyalgia after having had the Hep B shots for our careers in nursing, I tend to think he’s on the money. Also, we have found out we have the MTHFR gene mutation, which is also a contra indication for vaccines. But, hey, you keep sticking your head in the sand.
I asked a genecist about MTHFR gene (son has ASD) and she told me no big deal roughly 50% of the population carries a mutation. At first I felt relieved, but lately I’ve been wondering if that could be why we see so much as far as autoimmune disease, autism, neuro and psychiatric problems. Any ideas or research on this ?
Exactly, Steph! Just because so many people are sick or suffering from chronic illness doesn’t mean it’s normal or “no big deal.”
I have 2 vaccine injured grandchildren that I watched in intensive care and the other in isolation for days struggle to breathe and survive! CDC swooped in and took over for one!
Read a vaccine insert
Thank you for lying about vaccines, particularly the “not studied” part in regards to pregnant women.
I must be stupid, because I keep seeing new studies coming out all of the time for various countries validating the use of vaccines in pregnant women. Many of those studies are rather sizable due to requirements by health officials in those other countries.
But that must have all been my imagination.
If you read any package insert they will say Pregnancy Category C. This means no studies have been done to determine if they cause harm to the developing fetus or future reproductive capacity. This is why I have a hard time hearing about how much pressure pregnant women are place under to be vaccinated when it is not known exactly what harm it may cause. Another point that you will find in the package insert is that i the “studies” the control is another vaccine and not a true placebo such as saline. http://www.fda.gov/downloads/BiologicsBloodVaccines/Vaccines/ApprovedProducts/UCM109810.pdf
It plainly says the effects of vaccines has not been studied on pregnant women. Not only pregnant women but the children’s vaccine schedule period has not been studied. Not one study has been done on multiple vaccines given at the same time time.
A lot of women has had a miscarriage after they received vaccines.
Please share these studies done on pregnant women. I haven’t found any and would love to read them. 🙂
Hi Tara. If you click where it says (source), it will take you to the studies I’ve cited. 🙂
And who funded these studies you speak of? Because if it’s funded by the pharmaceutical industry, it can’t be trusted. Do you really think they’d publish a study that shows their product could hurt or kill someone? Haven’t you heard of the whistle blower? The top researcher at the CDC who was instructed to get rid of the studies that showed how damaging vaccines can be to black males?
Some of you people really need to wake the f**k up. If you really believe the government cares about you & yours, I’ve got a bridge for sale.
Did you not hear the message in this article? The author clearly states that vaccinations are not for everyone and perhaps not all pregnant women or children will have a reaction but many could and probably many have and they may not know their reactions came from vaccination. It’s possible as well that reactions manifestblater in life and are not immediate. The author is stating to do your research, proceed with caution and make the decision best for you and your family. It is not a one size fits all approach.
**manifest later**
Studies or propaganda? There are no studies to prove safety on vaccines with pregnant women.
It’s in the guidelines you can’t do a study on a pregnant woman, it’s considered unethical. The Ethical Review Board would never approve one.
Please, do link those studies.
Is there any research papers you can link that i can take to the doctor in regards to MTHFR and vaccines. They are forcing my little girl who is struggling healthwise to get her vax and I’m running out of options.
I am from Poland. My doughter has MTHFR mutation. She had problem with development of speech and sensory integration. I think vaccines are to blame.
Here are a couple:
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2843136/ (This one goes into more detail.)
Fight for your little girl, momma! Or consider homeschooling if the school district will not let her in without vaccinations.
I could’nt agree more!
Find a new doctor. Go to some of the MTHFR forums on FB to search out a good doc in your area. Also, they can help with exemption letters as well. Good luck to you.
What state do you live in? I have some resources I could dig up however that information will not give them permission to grant you a medical exemption. Do you not live in a state that allows religious exemptions?
Really! You just highlighted why healthy people” should get vaccinated to protect the ones who can’t the problem with “anti vaccinators” is they live in a world today where they haven’t seen or experienced the leffects of vaccine preventable diseases so only have a one sided opinion gees just keep your thoughts to yourselves and let others make up their own minds
Tell the drug companies, CDC, media, etc to keep their thoughts to themselves, too. Wouldn’t that be nice! And do your research – from independent sources. For the past 15 years, which is all I checked on, more people have been dying from several vaccines than for the disease they are meant to prevent. At 3+ pertussis vaccines, three and a half times more people are getting pertussis compared to being unvaccinated (on CDC’s website). And finally, diseases that have no vaccine have disappeared at the same rate as those that do have vaccines, and those that do have vaccines were also disappearing before the vaccines came along.
“It astounds me how people never learn, and simply accept what is suggested to them by those writing articles, or those speaking on television, as gospel. Have we lost the ability to think critically? Have we lost the ability to question what we are told based upon actual facts? Or have we simply adopted the “Foghorn Leghorn perspective”: “Don’t bother me with facts, son. I’ve already made up my mind.”
And you live I a world where you have not seen or experienced the effects of vaccines…Go big Pharma!
Oh my goodness, you must be young and gullible. I had most all the diseases, measles, rubella, chickenpox, scarlet fever (no vaccine but died out) and mumps (as did my 6 sisters and 12 cousins, where none of use died or were left damaged. You need to take out that bullring that Rupert Murdoch put through your nose.
COMPLETELY CORRECT. AND THAT GOES FOR THE FLU AS WELL. If my 86 year old father with a triple bypass, longtime (former) smoker, who spent 3 years as a German soldier in a Russian prison camp and survived 2 bouts with pneumonia can make it through a flu by sweating, drinking tea with lemon, rest and hot showers then you know that the flu is not that serious to accept a vaccine that has 50,000 parts per billion of mercury in it which remains in your brain.
Please read the manufacturers’ vaccine package inserts at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Institute for Vaccine Safety. No vaccines are recommended for pregnant women. Manufacturers are immune to all liability for injuries or death from vaccine use…..and yet they still don’t recommend vaccines for pregnant women. The federal government is behind the push to vaccinate pregnant women. The question is why?
My son was diagnosed with encephalopathy absent “(coma, decreased level of consciousness, or prolonged seizures)”. Those conditions don’t need to be present for the diagnosis.
Why, population control that’s why . Google global 2000 research paper
Are you saying Autism is an autoimmune disorder?
Autism is diagnosed based on a set of criteria outlined by testing parameters. There are so many different levels of autism, just as with any psychological disorder. Many forms of autism come with gut issues which, in turn, affect the immune system. An autoimmune disorder can coexist alongside an autism diagnosis. And often it does. My son does not have vaccine-induced autism. He was born with it due to a chromosome issue we found in genetics testing at age 2. We also found out he had the MTHFR mutation (heterozygous on A1298C). I only got the minimum vaccine doses for school entry (we live in WV where exemptions, including medical in most cases, are not honored) because I felt he needed the special education services. We were very cautious, started at age 3, spaced them out and used bentonite clay to help with detox afterwards.
I have thyroid disease, and it started when I was pregnant, my baby is not vaccinated yet , I’m still thinking if I should vaccinate her. ….
Please research vaccines. learntherisk.org #VAXXED
Thank you. This was very informative and gave me the words to explain to people WHY I don’t vaccinate myself or my children.
Thanks for reading Kari!
You can request immunation without all the metal, fermaldahyde. That’s what we do, they can refrigerate and only keep a couple of days. So with all my illnesses I’ve never gotten sick. Also, all of my vaccines the virus or whatever have to be dead.
Also, I was with a friend getting chemo and the nurse gave her a flu vaccine while having chemo going into her body, she never got sick.
your friend’s cancer was probably caused by the flu vaccines she received in the past. Flu vaccines, all vaccines can cause cancer and to give someone going through chemo a flu vaccine is positively criminal. Chemotherapy destroys a person’s immune system so by vaccinating this person you are creating a toxic storm that is destroying your friend. This should show you how ignorant nurses and doctors are about these things. They don’t care if your friend dies, they care about the 200 dollars they will get from the insurance. Tell your friend to stop chemo and find a cancer specialist focused on natural healing. Read Susanne Somers book!
I’m in Australia and they aren’t allowing us to get childcare rebate for our youngest (not immunised), my question is would this have any relevance to Australia? I’m trying to find a way to get the exemption but it is difficult. Thanks
I’m not familiar with the laws in Australia; I’m sorry. My best suggestion is to find a functional medicine doctor who will sign a waiver for you.
Sadly Jaclyn those doctors actually do not exist here in Australia and a doctor cannot sign a waiver unless your child has very specific issues such as being in Cancer treatment. Even then it is only a deferral and they will require the shots after treatment is done. I do wish the government and medical professionals would come to accept that for a few people like you mentioned the vaccines are truly unsuitable.
I have heard that trying to get exemptions from vaccines for your child to go to school is very hard. They are being very strict. my kids have bad eczema and allergies. They have had some vaccines but not all by my choosing. My youngest is about to enter school but she is no where near up to date. I need help finding a way to get an exemption for her. I refuse to “shoot her up with all that stuff. She’s a healthy kid. I also work so I cannot home school her. How is this choice taken away yet flu shots are a choice? Condoms were not made mandatory when AIDS came out. Suggestions? I am an educated woman and have done my research. My decisions are very informed.
It depends on what state you live in. Do you have exemptions available besides medical? If so, go with either religious or philosophical. If not, find a functional medicine doctor that will sign the waiver for you. Fight for your child!
I’m guessing Muslims who want nothing to do with pork products, which can be in vax.
Maybe pro-lifers, being that there is fetal cells used in vax.
why is it not official policy that kids who fall into these categories not be vaccinated?!? my son’s autoimmune disease (PANDAS) was most likely caused by vaccination – he has a MTHFR gene mutation and is vaccine injured though it was not reported as such because 17 years ago we were as clueless as the doctors we entrusted his care too – but we’re not anymore! I still have to fight for his right not to be damaged further. this information should be spread far and wide to influence vaccine policy. Thanks!
All we can do is continue (gently) educating other parents and eventually enough of us will get it to start bringing real change!
my son has pandas/pans and would like to see the pandasnetwork group and the vaxxed group come together so the case can be made that there is a connection. My son began exhibiting panda pans symptoms after being vaccinated with the chicken pox and the meningitis. vaccine. I have auto immune condition and my six other children have anxiety, and various allergies due to their immune systems being damaged by the vaccines and of course the food supply has become’toxic since the glyphosate spraying and the genectically modified foods are present. We eat organically’and’non gmo as much as possible’and’take Metagenic supplements. I am always reading and adding or changing what we eat and use on our bodies. BIG difference seen and felt by all!!.
Please report to VAERS! There is no time limit on reporting a vaccine injury to them. Only around 1% are reported. Please report.
Every single one of my 6 siblings, as well as myself, are immune compromised from vaccines; primarily the oral Polio. We have various disorders from Gullain-Barre, Diabetes, RA, Hypothyroidism, Hashimotos, Irritable Bowel, Fibro, CFS, etc. We all suffer from a mutated MTHFR gene, as well. Some of our children have been compromised by vaccines, before we realized what was going on. It’s a hard lesson and a maddening one.
My niece and a friend’s daughter were fine, talked full sentences, lived a normal child’s life, after their Vaccination, they no longer talk af all, or walk like they use to…Both diagnosed with some kind of autism but no signs until after they got vaccinated.
I just don’t understand, personally, why you would rather the world at large suffer more cases of vaccine-preventable, sometimes deadly or debilitating diseases (measles, H. Flu, polio….) because you don’t want your child to having ADD or eczema or other behavioral problems that may or may not have any link to vaccines. Why assume that its vaccinations at fault, instead of one of the million other things in our environment? Pollution, water quality, cosmetics….a million things that they encounter daily, instead of things they encounter about 2-3 times a year? It’s easy to say, “Oh, these health conditions have worsened and multiplied in x number of years that vaccines have been around” but ignore that there are so many other things that have changed since then (how about our diet, for instance?). I mean, have you really done the studies? More likely that it’s a combination of factors increasing our incidence of these problems!
I do agree that there are a few health conditions that preclude getting vaccinations, but by your list, we might as well all stop getting vaccinated because there is a possibility that like 90% will develop one of the hundred conditions you mentioned (and obviously those were all caused by the vaccines and not possibly from anything else).
I truly wish some of y’all had actually been in a developing nation and seen the effects that some of these diseases cause. Big pharma….whatever. At least my son won’t be dying from measles or disfigured by polio!
What an ignorant comment. You don’t care if your son gets a crap load of autoimmune diseases, which are listed in the vaccine inserts Adverse Reactions section, that will effect him the rest of his life. Because you are scared of polio??!! Children have put in wheel chairs because of vaccines. Every vaccine does damage. #VAXXED
She doesn’t understand it because she hasn’t lived with a vaccine injured child. You notice the ranters are always the ones who have ” dodged the bullet” or have No children. Funny how they get so “smart” when they don’t have a dog in the race. I’ve always wondered why people like this are so worried… Seems to me that if vaccines are so safe and won’t cause any problems… AND these Einstein’s and their’s are vaccinated, WHAT ARE THEY WORRIED ABOUT ? They seem to know so much and are so sure that the people who have experienced vaccine injuries should continue to “take it for the team” Selfish, ignorant assholes won’t be so sure of all of this when one of their kids has to suffer from vaccine injury. They will be singing a different tune them. WELL, guess what dummerts… MY grandchild is just as important as your kids or grandchildren are. READ the package inserts people and you will see that all your truths are actually lies and are in writing.. Gotta love those Big Pharma peeps.. America’s biggest coincidence !!!
You do know that vaccines are not 100% effective and a child vaccinated can still get the so called preventable diseases right?
Measles isn’t killing anyone. Hell, 30 yrs ago it was a normal childhood illness. The fearmongering going on is just mind blowing.
Thank you for your article. The reactions stated seem pretty severe. My father is a doctor, my mother a nurse, and they discontinued a vaccine series for my younger sister over “just” a high fever of 102
I find it interesting that most physicians would probably tell their patients that a fever is a “normal” reaction, yet my parents with their medical training considered it a reaction for their own child. (And this is about 20 years ago!)
Thanks for your post 🙂 I have learned so much over the past several years with regard to vaccines and our food. My oldest has Autism AND type 1 diabetes. We also have 2 other children on the spectrum. Had I known then what I know now, oh the many things I would change! The best we can do is try to educate and inform those who haven’t the slightest clue. There is none so blind as those who will not see. It’s sad that so many don’t do ANY of their own research and are so set on believing that those who are pro vaccine evidence are to blame for all the spreadable diseases in the world. I used to be one of those moms who with every fiber of my being believed my Drs and thought there was no reason not to vaccinate. That the risk out weighed the benefit. That was until my children had vaccine reactions and I started to do my OWN thinking and my OWN research. I will not follow the herd any longer. I will do my best to protect my children and any other child that I can help. I wish more would do the same. But I am so thankful I do not walk or fight this battle alone. Thank you for your article and for trying to reach those in this world who may suffer unnessissarily from vaccine injury. I wish that people who are all for vaccines would back off and let us do our thing and they do theirs instead of attacking us when they have not a CLUE what our reasons are. They don’t bother to ask, to research for themselves. Just base it off of their own experiences and assume that we are ignorant. I do not point fingers or call names to people who choose who vaccinate. It is EVERYONES OWN RIGHT to vaccinate or not to vaccinate. It’s turned into this war and there is no meeting in the middle if those who are for it refuse to listen or entertain the idea that maybe there is more to vaccinations that they thought. It’s so frustrating. Again, I know I’m not alone in this, and it is my prayer that more people will take the time to educate themselves and read what’s out there. There is SO MUCH!! Not the studies done by the very ones who make our vaccines….but ones who have nothing to gain. The struggle is real. The kids who have been affected have gone through so much more than what the word Autism or the words vaccine injury means to most people. People do not know the suffering and pain that goes with it. The COUNTLESS HOURS of therapy, dr appointments, the loss of speech, the loss of and regression of ALL development. The seizures, the medications, the PAIN a parent has to go through seeing their child go through such loss, sickness, rehabilitation/intervention, etc. ALL while also battling those who say we are selfish for not wanting to vaccinate our children, that we are ignorant, or that we are full of crap. It’s a cruel world we live in and so sad that when others are hurting that people turn against them instead of trying to help them. I’m so fortunate to have the resources and support that I have and to also be able to offer that same support to those who feel lost and alone and so desperate to find answers.
Just because you have not experienced personally (yet) these struggles caused by vaccine injury, give it time. At the rate Autism is being diagnosed, you will at some point experience it. And know that when you do, there are so many kind people out there who will be there for you and will not turn their backs on your pain and desperation to find help for the one you love.
I’ll leave you with this thought to ponder:
To be technical:
Vaccines do not cause autism….but keep reading and pay attention.
Autism is a behavioral diagnosis. In order to receive the diagnosis of “Autism” a child must exhibit a certain number of behaviors over a certain time frame. If he or she does not do so, the diagnosis of “autism” is not warranted.
There is no blood test for “autism.” “Autism” can’t be confirmed or “ruled-out” by laboratory analysis. It’s strictly a behavioral diagnosis. Therefore, anything that causes physiological damage cannot directly “cause” autism.
Ergo… vaccines cannot “cause” “autism.”
Vaccines cause other stuff.
Vaccines cause encephalitis.
Vaccines cause seizures.
Vaccines cause immune system deficiencies.
Vaccines cause gastrointestinal problems.
Encephalitis causes mood swings.
Encephalitis causes extreme pain.
Encephalitis causes inattention and impulsivity.
Encephalitis causes aggression.
Encephalitis causes balance problems and difficulty relating to one’s environment.
Seizures cause mood swings.
Seizures cause inattention and impulsivity.
Seizures cause alterations in conciousness.
Immune system deficiencies cause children to have more frequent bacterial infections, such as ear infections, upper respiratory infections (URIs), sinusutis, and strep infections.
Immune system deficiencies cause children to have more frequent viral infections, such as stomatitis, “fevers of unknown origin,” “viral rashes,” hives, conjunctivitis, and gastrointestinal viruses that cause vomiting and diarrhea.
Immune system deficiencies cause children to be more vulnerable to “everything that’s going around” and to have a tougher time getting over things than their peers.
Gastrointestinal damage from vaccines causes diarrhea.
Gastrointestinal damage from vaccines causes nausea, reflux, vomiting, and the recently discovered “disease” now known as GERD (Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease).
Gatrointestinal damage from vaccines causes increased vulnerability to viruses and bacteria, which leads to increased administration of antibiotics, which leads to overgrowth of pathogenic yeast.
Pathogenic yeast overgrowth leads to intestinal hyperpermeability (“leaky gut syndrome”).
Pathogenic yeast overgrowth leads to constipation.
Pathogenic yeast overgrowth leads to food allergies.
Pathogenic yeast overgrowth leads to skin eruptions, “drunken, silly behavior,” inattention and impulsivity, and cravings for bread, sugar, ice cream, milk, and carbohydrates.
Technically, vaccines do not cause autism because techincally there is no such thing as autism.
Vaccines cause the underlying physical conditions that result in the pain, neurological damage, immune system disorders, gastrointestinal damage, and yeast overgrowth – all of which combine to produce the behavioral symptoms that result in the “autism” diagnosis.
Gastrointestinal damage is the most obvious result of vaccine damage.
When a previously healthy child suddenly starts having multiple episodes of watery and extremely stinky diarrhea every day, and this happens shortly after receiving vaccinations, it is notable as a “vaccine injury.”
What is not so obvious is that when the child’s gut is permanently damaged, he or she is no longer able to absorb nutrients necessary to produce neurotransmitters necessary for proper brain function. So when the child develops mood swings, sleep difficulties, and learning disabilities several months later, these issues are not recognized as being related to the vaccine injury because the initial damage occurred many months earlier.
Do not engage trolls and they will go away. Post only positive messages of inspiration and encouragement and we can clean up the garbage.
Is there a link or resource to back up your blog post? I could really use it. ESP on mothers with autoimmune diseases/disorders. I need to make sure that I am giving my Dr evidence based information and not just here-say, as he believes this is the reason we ‘NEED’ vaccines. I don’t agree. I have had adverse reactions and my oldest was diagnosed with (high functioning) ASD, and I am sure it is from the vaccines and even questioned the Dr. as she was talking and using sign-lanuage at a very young age (signs started at 3mos, talking at 5mos) and then stopped around 15mos.
Hi Ilea. All of my sources are linked. Thanks.
By the way, your doctor works for you, not the other way around! You don’t have to show him anything, prove anything, justify anything! Just say NO!
Excellent article! You forgot to put in the sources though! I’d love to share this, but I have extremely critical family members who will pounce all over the lack of sources. I know the information you used is accurate – I’ve come across most of it myself over the course of time I’ve been researching vaccines. Please go back and correct the article by filling in where you wrote (source). Thank you!
Kristine, the sources are there, you just have to click on them. Thanks.
My husband and I both have auto-immune issues. 2 of our children have been tongue-tied at birth, which has been linked to
MTHFR mutation. Thank you for this info concerning vaccines!
Glad it was helpful, Mrs. D!
Thank you for your post when I was 26 I was diagnosed with a brain tumor my neurosurgeon told me to stay away from vaccines as he was sure that’s what caused my tumor and nearly killed me. Even as I was growing up after shot I would get sick and then my arms would break out in eczema, and it hurt. I always seemed to have joint pain as well. Now I have children whom have never received one vaccine and are so healthy. Yes they get sick every once in awhile but nothing like me. Great father refused vaccines for my grandmother. She’s 73 now. I was like those that are pro vaccine. But I saw what was happening. I go to brain tumor runs 90% of the people running are running for children the # 1 disease in children are brain tumors/cancer that’s a problem. Children need to get sick to build up their immunity but not like that.
Be kind to one another
As usual, a flurry of opinion.
Post the studies. Post the facts…. there is little on both sides it seems.
If there was a study of vax vs. unvaxed we could look at that….
Need suggestions for WV. We have MTHFR, both parents have auto-immune and oldest child doors too. Religious exemptions are not allowed here. Can’t find a doctor that will give a medical exemption. We homeschool but college may be an issue. Thanks for any assistance.
College requirements are much less in WV and most offer religious exemptions. Plus, as the child gets older, they will likely handle a vaccine better if you are forced to get them. Even if you find a doctor to write a medical exemption in WV, it still has to be approved by the state health officer. And, as expected, most of those are denied. I have been working with legislators for 7 years fighting our antiquated vaccine laws in WV. We’ve seen some progress. Just this past month we saw DHHR remove the requirements to Pre-K they added by interpretive rule – the Hep A, PCV, and HIB requirements. We also saw a lot of previous requirements fall off from daycare. K-12 requirements remain unchanged so far. Which is 14 doses (4 DTaP, 3 polio, 3 Hep B, 2 MMR, 2 Varicella).
Great article! I was dx with sjogrens and an entire host of health problems including cancer and autonomic neuropathy (POTS). My son was born in 2006. He had an adverse reaction to his vaccines, so we stopped vaccinating him. I’m thankful we did. Ironically, all my problems started after several flu shots in adulthood, cancer coming first, right after my son was born. I’m also Mthfr gene positive. My mother recently told me I reacted to the mumps vaccine back in 1977, but she didn’t think much of it until all this, and never took me back for anymore. I never knew that. This article completely applies to my situation! My son and I should have never been vaccinated.
Vitamin K has a black box warning (the highest kind for a vaccine). It has aluminium & the other usual nasty vaccine ingredients. It thickens the baby’s blood to about 200 times what an adult’s blood density is. This prevents the stem cells present in the umbilical cord from easily slipping around the body to do a ‘quick healing’ of any damage caused during the birth. The baby’s blood is thin at this time for exactly this reason (for the stem cells to easily access any biological damage). Cutting the umbilical cord too soon also denies the baby from acquiring the badly needed stem cells.
What are your thoughts on the “vitamin” K shot at birth? I have MTHFR along with multiple double dominant gene mutations. Im pregnant and my doctor already told me the baby will have the same since I carry double.
My younger two children, born at home, did not get vitamin K, and I wouldn’t give it to any future children due to the preservatives and synthetic nature of the vitamin K. If you’re really worried, you can look into an oral vitamin K that you can give baby.
There is no such thing as a safe vaccine.
They are very “effective”, but they are “unavoidably unsafe”.
I truly believe that all vaccines are evil. Produced by evil people for evil purposes.
The only purpose for vaccines is to make people sick and therefore more fearful and compliant.
It is also a great way to eliminate inheritance by transferring any wealth you may have to the pharmaceutical/medical industry. (which just happens to be owned by our psychopathic overlords)
What better way to destroy a society than by making everyone sick, fearful, indebted and brain damaged.
Any doctor that recommends any vaccine is either an idiot or an evil shill.
Any person who gets a vaccine is an idiot.
Anyone who vaccinates a child is committing a crime against the child.
Vaccines are evil. Vaccinating children is child abuse.
Dear world, please stop being evil.
And remember… Dr. Milgram can tell you anything.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I believe there are so many toxins in the environment – vaccines being one of them – and not enough known about our immune systems, that we need to study.
Some interesting Info for you readers . . ..
Lupus. 2012 Feb;21(2):153-7. doi: 10.1177/0961203311430222.
Giant cell arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica after influenza vaccination: report of 10 cases and review of the
Soriano A1, Verrecchia E, Marinaro A, Giovinale M, Fonnesu C, Landolfi R, Manna R.
Author information
Giant cell arteritis (GCA) and polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) are inflammatory rheumatic diseases common in people over the age of 50 years. Herein, we report 10 cases of previously healthy subjects who developed GCA/PMR within 3 months of influenza vaccination (Inf-V). A Medline search uncovered additional 11 isolated cases of GCA/PMR occurring after Inf-V. We discuss the role of individual susceptibility, the potential function of immune adjuvants as triggers of autoimmunity post-vaccination, and the correlation of our observation with the ‘ASIA’ syndrome, i.e. autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants and including post-vaccination phenomena.
Hello, my son has just been diagnosed with ODD about 5 months ago. Until then I’ve never heard of that disorder, we have been struggling
with his behavioral outburst and temper tantrums since he was about 3 or 4 years old he is now 8 and it’s getting worse, I have read recently something about corn linked to behavioral outbursts in children With ODD so I am going to start eliminating everything else out of his diet.
A paleo or GAPS diet is definitely the best for these kids! Please also look into PANDAS/PANS, as it is often at the root of disorders like ODD.
I wanted to chime in here to post my experience after reading so many comments that seem to point the solution at homeschooling or GFCF/WAPS/GAPS diets. My unvaccinated child was born autistic. I have the MTHFR mutation but only recently found out about it and there’s a good I passed it onto at least one my kids. We attempted to homeschool our autistic son but he was getting worse behaviorally and none of the diets I followed to the letter helped improve his behavior. Luckily, we live in a state that allows vaccine waivers for school but I still catch hell at the doctor’s office and with the school nurse. You’re treated like a pariah if your child is unvaxxed and it feels like you’re constantly being looked at under a microscope by the general population. He’s in a structured environment at school and his behavior, speech and language are improving. However, I’m a single working mother who is constantly getting calls from his school and after school program monitoring every little thing he does. Meanwhile, I’ve observed “neurotypical” kids can get into fights with students and teachers, come to school coughing with runny noses without a teacher or nurse calling them every second of the day concerned with their health or behavior since they have been vaccinated.
my mother and I have autoimmune disease arthritis, thyroid disease, fibromyalgia,we also have MTHFR and both were vaxxed and my little girl Amelia till she was 3 months old-IDK if she has MTHFR also.My little girl has autism and adhd.
i’m against vaccines, and this because i developed hashimoto after a broncho- vaccines, and fibromyalgia after trying to cure e-coli with a vaccine and i took in advance also an anti-candida vaccine, because i was taking a lot of antibiotics for e-coli, The results i have lupus, miofiber and collagen markers in my body and my quality of life took a plunge, i’am stable now but not like i used to be before vaccines, i don’t know if i have predisposition towards autoimmun diseases, all i know is that i was the only one vaccinated from my family and the only one with problems
After a new vaccine i will develop something new, this is clear evidence that for some people vaccines are mot an answer, unfortunately in my country you are obligated to take them,
Maybe will save 100 and will destroy one, but why should i be me, and why should i be obligated to destroy my life, i should had have the chance to say no, and people who deliver vaccines to be educated enough so i will not be in this situation
Maybe should test them before in your blood or cell, or something and find out if it is safe to be administered,